Content Disclaimer

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Disclaimer of Om Air Special Gases

While Om Air Special Gases has taken preventive measures to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on this website. However, the company does not accept liability for any inaccuracies and/or omissions. The information may contain limitations or errors and we have no liability whatsoever for your use of information or service available on the website. At the same time we do not claim any authenticity or ownership of contents, images available on the website and shall not be held responsible for its use. The help of various Information/Technical Data available over the internet/www has been taken and we do not claim any ownership/responsibility of the same.

We and our affiliated parties have no liability for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages based on product liability or otherwise. No written or oral information or advice, obtained by you through our site shall create any representation, guarantee or warranty, unless specified exclusively under this agreement.

Use Of Information

By using the information, you authorize that you are above 18 years of age to access the website. We reserve the right to upgrade the information on the site, without giving prior notice.

Links To Other Web Sites

Under no circumstance is Om Air Special Gases responsible for accuracy of the content or the opinions expressed on the Web Site by third party links. We do not monitor, investigate, or check for accuracy of content. We do not endorse or approve information inclusion of any third party linked websites. If you decide to access the third-party sites, you do so at your own risk.